How to increase the effectiveness of men with folk remedies in just 3 days

To increase libido and erection, you need to lead an active lifestyle, pay attention to your health, and eat right. But when there is an urgent need to increase male strength, fast-acting methods are needed and pills are not always suitable for all men. Folk remedies for potency will soon help make your sex life brighter without compromising your health.

What are the fast-acting folk remedies that increase effectiveness: Top-20

Of the various potencies useful for potency, it is difficult to select the most effective. On top of the 20 effective folk remedies, only fast-acting options that are suitable for home use are marked. In addition to increasing efficiency, they have a strengthening effect on the whole body, which is especially important for men over 50 years of age.


The root of life has many healing properties:

  • improves blood flow to the genitals;
  • reduces the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone;
  • increases libido, improves erection;
  • helps increase penile sensitivity;
  • relieves inflammation.
Ginseng root enhances libido and improves erection

The content of arginine and substances with a structure similar to steroid hormones stimulate the production of androgens in men over 40 years of age in sufficient quantities.

The most effective is an alcoholic tincture, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared on its own. This requires 150 g of fresh (chopped) or 30 g of dry root (in powder), pour a liter of high-quality vodka or 70% alcohol. Insist for 3 weeks, the liquid should turn dark in color.

The recommended cure is 1-2 months, 30 drops three times a day before meals.


Spicy root contains many nutrients:

  • Vitamins B1, B2, B3 C, A;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • Iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • essential amino acids.
Ginger root stimulates testosterone production

It helps improve blood circulation, cleanse blood vessels, increase overall tone and rejuvenate the body. It is considered an aphrodisiac. It stimulates testosterone production and helps prolong sexual intercourse.

Raw, dry and pickled ginger can be used as a seasoning. Particularly effective for infusion: 2/3 teaspoon of dry ground or 2-3 teaspoons of fresh grated root, pour a glass of boiling water, close the lid and leave for 10-15 minutes. You can add honey, lemon - any tea while cooking.

The recommended amount is 1-2 glasses a day, without a time limit.


Scarlet fruit has a positive effect on blood quality, blood vessel condition, hormones, efficiency.

Pomegranate and pomegranate juice

B vitamins tone the body, large amounts of antioxidants prevent the development of prostate cancer. Due to the saturation of the blood with nitric oxide, the blood supply to the genitals is improved and libido is increased.

This way the pomegranate can be eaten, the juice is more convenient to use. It is recommended to use a juicer for fresh preparation - so that the useful essential oils from the seeds are added to the juice. An alternative is to "squeeze" the peeled eyes by placing them in a bag and twisting them with a rolling pin.

The juice should be consumed in 200-250 ml between meals (2-3 times a day, if possible continuously), not on an empty stomach, with an interval of about an hour after the previous meal and the same amount as follows.


Sweet tropical fruits contain potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamins B and C.

Bananas to increase the effectiveness of men

Bananas have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, normalization of stool reduces the risk of prostatitis. Improving the blood supply to the penis, stimulating the production of endorphins and testosterone, normalizing blood pressure, reducing the response to stress contribute to an increase in potency.

To achieve the benefits, bananas must be eaten raw and can be combined with other fruits. You can make a smoothie from milk or yoghurt as a nutritious snack. It is important to choose ripe but not darkened fruits from reliable suppliers.

Due to its fairly high calorie content, it is recommended to limit yourself to a few medium-sized bananas a day.


Oysters have long been known as a natural aphrodisiac and testosterone stimulant. In addition to them, mussels, shrimp, squid, octopus, scallops, fish are useful for men's health.


Many nutrients specific to seafood can help increase sexual desire:

  • easily digestible protein;
  • zinc;
  • iodine;
  • Iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • omega-3 fatty acids;
  • B vitamins;
  • selenium.

The greatest benefits come from foods with minimal heat treatment: mussels, squid, shrimp, octopus can be cooked or steamed, and fish can be used salted, and it is desirable to prefer fatty varieties. The recommended amount is 100-200 g per day, for oysters or mussels - up to three times a week.


Bird eggs contain easily digestible protein, amino acids, vitamins A, C, E, PP and B, zinc, lecithin, antioxidant lutein, cholesterol, which is needed for the synthesis of hormones. With regular use, not only an increase in potency is observed, but also an overall increase in tone, performance, and mood.

Chicken and quail eggs

Useful for any domestic bird to eat eggs, the "more concentrated" of the quail. It is better to drink them raw, for example as part of cocktails with dairy and fermented dairy products and fruits. The recommended amount is up to 4 quail pieces or up to 2 more per day.

When consuming chicken eggs, keep in mind that protein is better absorbed after heat treatment, and raw yolk is healthier. The best way to cook is soft or bagged cooking, as well as fried eggs in a pan.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain many important nutrients:

  • Vitamins H, E, K, PP, group B;
  • phosphorus;
  • silicon;
  • magnesium;
  • Iron;
  • Honey;
  • cobalt;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • chromium;
  • molybdenum;
  • selenium;
  • arginine.
Pumpkins and seeds

Due to its rich composition, the product increases the production of androgens, enriches the blood with nitric oxide, enhances libido, erection and increases activity.

Sunflower seeds are dried raw at room temperature and are useful. The recommended amount is up to 3 tablespoons per day. The seeds can be added to salads or consumed this way, and it is recommended to make a 1: 1 mixture of honey (interrupting the ingredients in the blender) to quickly restore sexual activity. In the morning on an empty stomach, take a few tablespoons daily, without interruption, until the result is reached and after 2 weeks.


Due to its content of protein, fatty acids, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, arginine and vitamins, seeds are valuable for men’s health.

Different nuts for men's health

The following nuts are considered the most effective:

  • walnut;
  • almond;
  • cedar;
  • cashew nuts;
  • Brazilian;
  • hazelnuts;
  • pistachio;
  • macadamia;
  • pecan.

They can be consumed singly or in combination, the recommended daily dose is 1-2 handfuls. Walnuts alone are good or mixed with dried fruits as a snack or dessert. It is advisable not to subject them to heat treatment.

A mixture of nuts and honey (100 g of broken seeds are poured and mixed with 20 g of beekeeping product) is considered a folk remedy to increase the effectiveness of rapid action (1-2 tablespoons 4 hours before bedtime), the results of which appear faster than 3 days - providedthat there are no pathologies of the reproductive system.

St. John's wort

A plant with an eloquent name is ambiguous and requires caution. St. John's wort contains phytoncides, flavonoids, vitamins A, C, E.

St. John's wort

A reasonable amount of consumption has the following effects:

  • increased blood flow;
  • vasodilation;
  • removal of inflammation;
  • restoring the production of male hormones;
  • increased sensitivity.

Thus, the attraction becomes stronger, the erection improves.

The fewest side effects are observed when drinking tea. For cooking you will need:

  • Pour 10 g of dry or 20 g of fresh St. John's wort with 250 ml of boiling water;
  • insist for 10 minutes;
  • strain, drink 15 minutes before meals throughout the day, divided into 3 portions.

The maximum duration is two weeks; a break of at least one month is required between courses.


Thyme contains tannins, gum, thymol, flavonoids, molybdenum, selenium. The aromatic plant calms the nervous system, stimulates blood circulation, fights inflammation and is used to prevent prostatitis and bacterial diseases.

Dried and fresh thyme

Used as a cure, thyme improves penile blood flow, relieves discomfort during ejaculation, and helps fight premature ejaculation. Dried thyme is used as a flavoring and to make fresh tea - as a complement to a variety of foods.

For efficiency, infusion is often used, the preparation of which consists of 2 tablespoons of plant (dry) 0, 5 liters of boiling water. It is recommended to glue the product in a thermos for at least two hours, the amount obtained is divided into two days (3 doses a day) for two weeks in a row.


Beekeeping products have long been used to improve health and male strength.

Beeswax to strengthen male strength

The most popular of these is honey, which can:

  • strengthen the heart and blood vessels;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • increases libido;
  • eliminates swelling and inflammation;
  • kill pathogenic microorganisms;
  • gives energy.

Dark varieties contain more vitamins and minerals, light ones strengthen and clean blood vessels, and rarely cause allergies.

Honey can be used to replace sugar, added to drinks, sweet foods. Useful combination with ginger, lemon, walnuts, green tea, the recommended amount is up to two tablespoons a day.

It is important that the healing substances begin to decompose when heated above 40 ° C, so it is better to add a sweet product to chilled foods and beverages.


Sharp teeth with a spicy taste and aroma are loved by many men and for good reason.


Garlic contains important nutrients:

  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • choline;
  • ascorbic acid, pantothenic acid and folic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • Vitamins K, E, PP;
  • cobalt;
  • chromium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • molybdenum;
  • selenium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • silicon;
  • cobalt;
  • phosphorus;
  • Iron;
  • iodine.

Antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-cancer, immunomodulatory, normalizes blood circulation and pressure, cleanses blood vessels. The essential oil is an aphrodisiac, stimulates libido.

Garlic can be used as a seasoning or tincture: pour 1 kg of peeled and chopped cloves with 0. 5 liters of vodka, leave in a dark place for two weeks. Drink one tablespoon 2-3 times daily before meals until the product runs out.

Citrus fruits

Lemon, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, lime, pomelo include:

  • flavonoids that ensure good condition of blood vessels;
  • ascorbic acid, which is required for the synthesis of testosterone;
  • lutein, which stimulates the production of steroid hormones;
  • essential oils that soothe nerves and increase cravings;
  • pectin, which normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol levels, is resistant to inflammatory processes and tumors.
Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits can be eaten clean, can be added to salads, drinks, juice. It is advisable to limit yourself to a few small fruits a day.

The following recipe is recommended for obtaining nutrients from obesity:

  • cut unpeeled citrus (to taste) into small pieces, place in a blender bowl;
  • add a little water, grind;
  • leave for half an hour, drain;
  • sweeten with liquid honey.

If the taste of the drink is too coarse, you can dilute it with water.


It is not without reason that the venom root is linked to the male genitalia - the nutrients in it provide a stable and high standard of sex, good health and resistance to infections.

Grated horseradish

Horseradish contains a lot of ascorbic acid, pyridoxine, silicon, molybdenum, zinc, magnesium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron. Essential oils have a stimulating effect.

Horseradish is popular as a seasoning for vegetable and meat dishes; the spicy taste complements the homemade kvass well.

You can also prepare the infusion:

  1. On the water. Add one liter of grated root to 1. 5 liters of liquid, leave for a week, filter. Add lemon juice, honey to taste, dissolving them until smooth and leave for another day.
  2. In milk. Mix 0, 5 l of liquid and 400 g of horseradish (grated), leave for 6-8 hours, filter.

Drink a cure of your choice on one tablespoon twice a month, every month.


Bright root vegetables have a sweet taste and contain many retinoids, which are necessary for the formation of sex hormones, neutralize free radicals, maintain youth and vitality.

Fresh carrots have a positive effect on efficiency

In addition, carrots heal the circulatory system, prostate gland, improve mood, the presence of tocopherol, potassium and folic acid also has a positive effect on efficiency.

Vegetables should be eaten fresh or steamed until half cooked, with the addition of vegetable or animal fats - butter, cream, sour cream. In addition, to restore male strength, carrot juice or milk soup is visible (to prepare it, boil a cup of milk with 100 g of grated carrots) in an amount of 200-300 ml per day.


Rich in vitamins and minerals, essential acids, pectin, fiber and beta-carotene make tomatoes a real storehouse of nutrients a man needs.

Juicy tomatoes

There are several characteristics that affect sexual health:

  • increased libido;
  • lowering blood cholesterol levels;
  • improving the condition of the cardiovascular, digestive and reproductive systems;
  • increased red blood cell production, decreased risk of thrombosis;
  • prevention of oncological diseases of the prostate.

Tomatoes are one of the few products that do not lose their quality even after cooking. They have a positive effect on health in raw, dried, steamed, fried and canned form, there are no special restrictions on their use.

Sea buckthorn

The sour orange berry is rich in tannins, coumarin, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, antioxidants.

Sea buckthorn berries

Sea buckthorn is effective:

  • trauma and inflammation;
  • infections;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • skin diseases;
  • nervous system failure, stress;
  • disturbance of the work of the heart;
  • decrease in potency.

The berries are eaten fresh, as part of drinks, sauces, combined with other fruits. To preserve winter sea buckthorn, sprinkle with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio.

You can make a cold compote: chop the berries (about 1 kg), add water (about 5-7, 5 liters), leave for a few hours, strain, sweeten to taste. Use - whenever possible.

In addition, sea buckthorn oil is no less effective, which can be taken in a teaspoon 3 times a day before meals for 2-4 weeks, or used in recipes instead of sunflower oil.


The burning plant is rich in ascorbic acid, phylloquinone, calcium, manganese, flavonoids, phytoncides. Nettle strengthens efficiency, cleanses the organs of the urogenital system, strengthens immunity, prevents blood stagnation, tones the body.

Nettle seeds

The leaves of the plant are made into a decoction, added to the soup. Fresh young herbs can be scalded and added to a salad or garnish.

The most effective recipe for male strength is the nettle-based recipe:

  • boil a glass of water or milk with a tablespoon of raw material;
  • insist for 10 minutes.

After cooling, add a little honey, drink one day. The infusion contains ginger, lemon, thyme, eleutherococcus (small proportions) if needed. You can use it all the time.


Oriental spice with an unusual taste and aroma is often used in Indian medicine for premature ejaculation, impotence, infertility. The spice normalizes blood pressure, promotes body rejuvenation, reduces stress levels, and is recognized as an aphrodisiac.

Asafoetida - an oriental spice of impotence

Asafoetida replaces garlic and onions; the spice goes particularly well with legumes and meat dishes, rice and potatoes. It is recommended to add to taste, depending on the form of release:

  • clear powder or resin pieces - rare, pungent odor;
  • yellow spice, diluted with turmeric and rice flour - more delicate aroma.

Do not take more than 500 mg of "pure" asafoetide daily.


Waxy substance with a characteristic aroma, enriched with resins, phenols, essential oils, many trace elements and amino acids.


Strongly affects the body:

  • cleanses the blood vessels;
  • rejuvenates tissues;
  • accelerates regeneration;
  • suppresses inflammation, pathogenic microorganisms, oncology;
  • relieves stress;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes prostate function and size;
  • increases efficiency.

Most often, propolis is taken in the form of a tincture, which can be bought at a pharmacy or made yourself:

  • pour a portion of the crushed product with five portions of 70% alcohol or vodka;
  • leave for a week;
  • Half a teaspoon before meals for 14 days (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

In addition, the use of rectal suppositories and ointments for external use, based on propolis and animal fat, is effective.

Is it possible to increase the effectiveness of men with folk remedies in 3 days

A return to normal effectiveness in less than a week seems fairy-tale, especially if the problems started long ago. In fact, folk remedies to increase the potency of men can only have a rapid effect if the reproductive system is already functioning normally. Then the first signs of improvement are seen in the days, and further application of the "grandfather" recipes will solidify the result.

In case of severe problems with potency, folk remedies should play a complementary role and the full treatment should be agreed with a doctor (urologist or andrologist) in person, tuned to long-term therapy. The same applies to elderly men (over 60 years of age) - in order not to harm their health, it is recommended to use any medicine and natural cure only after the approval of a specialist.


The issue of increasing potency is a concern for many men, including those who do not experience problems in bed. First, the majority turn to folk remedies.

The combination of several methods of alternative medicine, giving up bad habits and increasing activity, is considered to be the most effective. But if the erection is in good condition, men achieve a slight improvement if one or a few products / products are included in the diet. But men suffering from pathologies of the reproductive system without proper medication note the ineffectiveness of traditional methods.

  • "A year ago, I discovered the problems of potency, I started taking folk remedies. First, the ginseng tincture contained pomegranate, carrot, garlic in the diet, excluded junk food, minimized alcohol and smoking, and mastered Kegel exercises. I usually felt the first result on day 3. In fact, the attraction has increased. After 2 months, my masculine strength is completely back. Currently supportive therapy. Sometimes I drink ginger infusion or propolis tincture (to my liking), I quit smoking completely, by the way, I only drink red wine on holidays. "
  • - Constant stress and a sedentary lifestyle brought my libido. I just didn’t want to have sex with my wife, and that’s it. And young, beautiful, usually the most "juice. "I read a recipe about honey nuts on the internet, cooked it, started using it, I also included citrus fruits in my diet, before that I only ate at New Year’s Eve. . . Oh yeah, I also exchanged mayonnaise for sour cream. You know, the situation started to improve, the attraction came back, I started to feel happier, even things went well at work, it was more fun to work. It is clear that folk remedies are effective despite doctors saying the opposite.
  • "I’ve been living a healthy lifestyle since I was young, I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I go to the gym, even now, when I was 62 years old. But it still didn’t help maintain efficiency. The wife (42 years old) began to treat folk remedies. What I just didn’t buy, and tinctures, and various aphrodisiac products, and even pure propolis, all in vain, I had to go to the clinic. After the examination, the local urologist diagnosed and prescribed treatment for chronic prostatitis and testosterone deficiency. But I noticed that the means I used on my own didn’t allow my health to deteriorate even more, he praised. After a month of medication, it seemed better, sometimes my wife and I play in bed. "